Kobetron's All-New GI-4000Pro All-in-One Verification Tool Advanced Casino Asset Protection at your Fingertips
Faster, More Powerful, More Versatile, Easier-to-Use.
Now with Color Touch-screen Display!
Introducing a quantum leap in advanced casino asset protection. The GI-4000Pro is the newest, fastest, most powerful, most versatile, and easiest-to-use additional to Kobetron’s Gaming Investigator (GI) family of world-class signature verification tools.
Now with a crisp and responsive 7.5-inch color touch-screen display. The next-generation GI-4000Pro packs a ton of impressive features into a convenient, portable, and versatile package. It’s the ultimate all-in-one signature verification tool that combines the myriad of devices that are necessary for casino operations and regulatory compliance, eliminating the need for multiple pieces of equipment.

GI-4000Pro Case, Battery Charger and Lithium-Ion Battery Pack (included with each GI-4000Pro)
GI-4000Pro Key Features & Benefits:
- Brilliant 7.5-inch color touch-screen display with simple-to-use interface.
- Easily searches your GLIAccess database account for approved/revoked status.
- Green or red on-screen alerts clearly indicate whether a gaming device signature is approved or revoked.
- Super-fast processing speed of up to 6.7kbps or 400MB per minute.
- Plug-and-play convenience.
- USB Device Reader verifies any USB-capable device, including security dongles and hard drives.
- Reads and auto-IDs both Compact Flash and CFAST cards, as well as all universal adapters, eliminating the need for a Compact Flash card reader or adapter.
- Proprietary OS eliminates Windows 10 CFAST card-corruption errors.
- 96-pin header fits MI-332 and MI-333 universal adapters for EPROMs and PLCC chips.
- GAT capable.
GI-4000Pro FAQs
- The Pro has a touch screen instead of a LCD display.
- The Pro can verify CF, CFAST and USB devices, the GI-4000 can only do CF (with MI-331 adapter).
- The Pro has Automatic Update capability, the GI-4000 required manual updates.
- The Pro has built-in Verify+, the GI-4000 does not.
- The Pro is GAT capable, the GI-4000 is not.
- The Pro has GLI Access database, the GI-4000 does not.
Yes, the Pro has a camera and RFID, the GI-4000 does not.
In most cases, yes the Pro is faster. Certain devices may be slightly slower with the Pro.
Yes, the Pro actually supports additional devices that the GI-4000 does not.
For the most part, yes. Please keep in mind that the Pro is far more complex than the GI-4000.
Yes, the Pro can send error logs to our support team because it has WiFi, the GI-4000 cannot.
The Pro is priced slightly higher, but please remember that it has a lot more features.
Please go into the Wi-Fi menu, select the Wi-Fi network you no longer wish to connect to, and then choose to forget that connection. This should stop the unit from ever automatically connecting to it again.
*You can also choose to forget ALL connections, and then re-enter the password for your preferred connection so that it is the only one your unit will want to connect to in the future.

Related Links
- Pricing
- MI-300 Adapters
- GI-4000 4.1 Software Update
- Product Accessories
- Training Video - Coming Soon